PetTagMan - Contact Us

Postal address:

PO BOX 2125
SA 5046

Business hours are 9.00-5.00pm CST Mon-Fri.

Phone Number: 0405 026 616

The quickest and easiest way to contact us is by using the below contact form.

ATTENTION: PetTagman currently are on leave!

Please note if you wish to make any purchases, we will not be able to make your order
until our return on the 7th July. However if you place an order during this time and pay for it, we
would like to offer you a 10% discount on your order to show our appreciation for your patience.

Just enter the following code into the promo box in the checkout and you order will be discounted.

We look forward in fulfilling your order!

Regards The team at PetTagman


View our Pet Names database and add your own Pets details! Just click on 'Belvedere' below!

SELECT A.* FROM tbl_Promos A WHERE A.note = 'AWAY' AND dt_Expiry >= '2025-01-17'